lundi 25 août 2008

kiss her,

Don't think, don't wait.
If it feels right to you, there are chances it feels right to her too.


so many things, feelings and people are fake these days that it is the hardest thing in the world to find something real and true. We are all looking for something that will make us happy, someone who will show us how beautiful life can be. When we do find a special thing and a special person, the dream usually fades away because beautiful things are so temporary in life. Happiness is such a precious feeling, we can all remember a moment when we have felt these butterflies all around us.

The hardest part is to not let these butterflies fly away.

dimanche 24 août 2008

what this summer brought

i love growing up
i hate growing old.
This was the summer i realized that i could not be a little girl anymore.
I make decisions, stupid ones.
Sometimes i learn, sometimes i don't, i can't lie.

I'm still a little girl no matter what. I need to be taken care of, and i wonder who will take care of me when they'll leave me. This summer brought so many insecurities,
do i leave everything again? Can i leave everything again,
what i now call home, who i now call my bestfriends?
The answer seems so obvious until i get to the next thought,
can i let my family go? my family.
And i'll never hear: don't worry they're just a few miles away.
Try to deal with an ocean away.
I feel so torn in between two worlds. Always have, always will. Being blamed for not wanting to live where i should live is the worse feeling i have ever experienced. I always had to leave people i loved, they never understood. I just wish i never had to do this again.