lundi 1 septembre 2008

Passion at its best

I care more than you will ever know.
Every thing you say, create, write, sing, fascinates me. God, falling in love never really meant anything real before i met you. People always say "when it's the right person, you'll know". And they might have been just right.
I knew the day we met.
the first hour,
the first time you made me smile
and the first time you put your hands on me.
Something was different. I can't say this is going to last forever because it affects us so much that it scares the hell out of us and we could both get destroyed by a foolish misunderstanding or a mistake..but what i can say, what i can promise you is that from now on, i will do my best to make it last.
You make me feel.
You make me feel happy, lucky and all the most precious feelings in the world.
But you can also make me feel sad, my saddest, hurt, empty.
Because you can do anything to me. You own my mind and my body. You control me.
I am so passionate about you. It's slowly killing me.

And i'm loving every second of it.

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